I partnered with Ruben DeLuna Creative and Nirvan Mullick to create childlike hand lettering in this animated video for Brightmark. This educational short includes dinosaurs, pyrolysis, and more science-y stuff that explains Brightmark’s circular approach to turning commingled plastics back into wax and oil that can be reused. A couple short clips of my lettering […]
Vessel Coworking 2020 T-Shirt
I’d seen enough mask-themed swag for 2020 that I decided to pick Austin’s great outdoors to earmark a year weathering a global pandemic. My illustration features the Congress Bridge at sunset, enveloped by Bald Cypress trees and the iconic bats forming the Vessel Coworking logo. Time in nature was thankfully not canceled in 2020, and […]
Music & Literature
My illustration for the cover of the September 2018 issue of World Literature Today. The visual pairs with the special section in this issue titled “Music & Lit.”
Austin Bat Cave: Online Writing Lab
Like many businesses and organizations adapting quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic, Austin Bat Cave has also been adjusting their in-person programs to bring online writing and creative expression opportunities to the children they serve here in Texas. Enter, the OWL. Austin Bat Cave has launched an Online Writing Lab and they needed a mascot to brand the […]
Poetry Untethered
My illustration for the cover of the September 2011 issue of World Literature Today started from a doodle of a man walking with book stilts. The cover feature, “Poetry Untethered,” ended up with this final iteration of a person sitting and reading in the clouds.